PS43WT, Auto-Sensor Light Socket
*Assortment of all colors are included in Inner Cases and Master Cases.*
Automatically turns on lights at dusk and of at dawn
- Easily installed in any existing screw type light socket
- Saves Energy and Improves Security using Photo Cell Technology
- Works with incandescent light bulbs 100w or less
- For Indoor or Outdoor use
- Does not work with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL)
- Adds protection-making your house look occupied
- Saves energy by reducing light fixture operating time
- White Color
Turn desired light socket Off.
Screw in Auto-sensor Light Socket.
Install incandescent light bulb (maximum 100w).
Make sure desired light socket is left in On position.
The light sensor will automatically begin working.
For use in 3 way light sockets:
Set the Switch to the highest setting.
Screw in Auto-Sensor Light Socket.
The light sensor will automatically begin working.
To Test:
Cover auto sensor window of light socket.
Light should turn on.
Remove cover, light should turn off.